Thrive 2018-2022


THRIVE is our targeted creative programme for women most at risk of being marginalised (due to poverty, abusive relationships, mental health and social isolation).

We give participants the space to learn new creative skills, build self-worth, hear their voices and see themselves. They work with exceptional artists who believe in what we do, with Futures staff's constant support.

We programme work to share and develop new skills with our participants; however, we always make room for them to take charge of the space. We believe in collaborating with our participants, and our greatest pleasure is to provide a space for them to share their thoughts, beliefs and talents with us.

Over 5 years of Thrive we have run long-term, in-depth creative work with 175 women and non-binary people across 230 creative sessions, working in partnership with local grassroots organisations, and continuing to provide support during lockdown with online sessions.

‘Belly of the Wolf’ - episode from our podcast Fully Amplified created with participants from The Gaia Centre

‘Being One’ - short film made by participants

‘Hidden Disabilities’ - episode from our podcast Fully Amplified created with participants from Coin Street Community Builders

Overview of Thrive and what we do

Our Artists

 Who we worked with

Coin Street Community Builders – working with young women with complex needs

Gaia Centre (run by Refuge) – working with women who have lived with violence

Women’s Trust - women with experience of domestic violence

EVA Women’s Aid - supporting survivors of domestic abuse

BeLifted - supporting women and girls who are suffering from domestic violence and/or debt problems

Solace Women’s Aid - working to prevent violence and abuse

Myah Jeffers
Hazel Holder 
Libby Knowles
Nicola Chang
Alexandra Wood

Martyna Baker
Tanya Loretta Dee 
Diane Alison-Mitchell
Sita Thomas
Sabrina Mahfouz
Sonia Jalaly

“Before I started participating in Thrive I felt like a quiet, lonely child. Now I feel confident and you can’t stop me from talking! I am full of new skills that I can use outside of this.”

“I think the Futures theatre team have been wonderful, helpful and reliable. Plus responsive to feedback, there's always something different in the thrive sessions”

“When I'm like feeling distressed or worried or something's bothering me I know I can use this. And I know also just to carry on building me up I have all this within me.”  

“I tried new activities that I have never done before. I was surprised about my hidden skills. I learnt to believe in myself. Thank you!”

I see Thrive as bringing all the community together and people that would not necessarily met you have now met… I’ve made friends that I would never made friends with any other place and I feel so connected with the community”

“I joined a mental health group and redesigned my bedroom to have a space for creative projects. It has also inspired me to do my jewellery making again. Basically my life has been transformed…”