Fully Amplified: The Belly Of The Wolf
Episode 6
Episode 6: The Belly of the Wolf
Featuring Belly of the Wolf by Alexandra Wood
Directed by Caroline Bryant
Performed by Laura dos Santos
Everyone knows you can’t trust wolves. They’ve got the gift of the gab, they’re charming and worldly, but more fool you if you trust a wolf, only got yourself to blame.
Written in response to conversations with survivors of domestic abuse, Belly of the Wolf is a disorientating fairytale of one woman’s journey to recover who she is, and a celebration of their strength, resilience and power.
Extra links and resources
National Domestic Abuse Helpline
Women’s Aid - Support for women experiencing domestic abuse
Galop - Support for LGBT+ people who've experienced hate crime, domestic abuse or sexual violence
ManKind Initiative - Support for male victims of domestic abuse
The Guardian - Domestic abuse calls to London police rise by a tenth during lockdown
Vice News - Coronavirus Is Making Domestic Violence More Severe, Crisis Workers Say
Gal-Dem - Why domestic abuse awareness must be intersectional
Thank You to…
All the women who appear in this episode anonymously.