Fully Amplified: Still Gay As Hell
Episode 4
Episode 4: Still Gay As Hell
Featuring Snow Globe by babirye bukilwa
Directed by Caroline Bryant
Performed by Shaniqua Okwok
i thought this would be heaven. i thought this would be safe. i thought this was the dream. But when i peeled myself off the bedroom floor dehydrated from the hangover of co-dependency i realised i don’t have a home. why did her love pang greater that all the rest? and why do i hate myself even more.
An exploration of internalised misogyny within queer femme bodies and the womxn they romantically love, inspired by conversations with Queer Black women and non-binary people.
Contains strong language
Extra links and resources
AZ Magazine - A list of QTIBPOC fundraisers
Gal-Dem - Archiving oral histories of black queer collectives in London
Teen Vogue - Misogyny in Lesbian Dating Exists
Thank You to…
Rebecca Batala, Kei Bennett, Nana Duncan, Martha Nakintu, Deji Tiwo & Michelle Tiwo, who appeared in conversation on this episode.