Fully Amplified: Waiting For An Excuse To Turn
Episode 2
Episode 2: Waiting For An Excuse To Turn
Featuring Hunger by Ava Wong Davies
Directed by Mingyu Lin
Performed by Chloe Ewart
“They won’t care that you were born there,” she says. “That doesn’t protect you.”
Ava Wong Davies' piece is built off a series of conversations had with British East and South East Asian women in the wake of a recent uptick in anti-Asian violence. Fusing fantasy and realism, it is an exploration of vulnerability, identity, and home.
Contains strong language and references to racism
Extra links and resources
besea.n - a grassroots movement born from six ESEA women, created to shine a light on Britain’s East and South East Asians
Refinery 29 - The Stark Reality Of Racism For East and South East Asian Women In The UK
GQ - Britain has its own problem with East and South East Asian racism
Thank you to…
Anna Leong Brophy, Nicola Chang, Natalie Cheung, Natalie Fabello and Cher Ho who appeared in conversation on this episode.